Navachetana has sheltered men and women suffering from Manic Depression, Psychosis Neurosis, Paranoia, Schizophrenia and other Psychological and Pathological cases, from different parts of India.
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Case A – A helping hand
At the age of 82, this widow, who after years of being able to work and support herself, fell on hard times. Under the care of Navachetana she was admitted to hospital and regained her health and confidence.
With Navachetana’s support, she moved forward with her life, found a new job and lives independently.
Case B – Safe & Secure Having the right medication and a family environment, this single woman with Diabetes now feels confident and secure in Navachetana. She knows that if she has a hypoglycaemic attack help is on hand.
She has successfully transitioned into our family life and enjoys the care and love she had been missing.
Case C – Repair Trust
Feeling misunderstood, this widow’s physical health started quickly to deteriorate. She arrived at Navachetana shivering from hunger and was hospitalized.
After regaining her health and through Navachetana’s counselling sessions she reconciled with her family members.
Case D – Belonging
The physical absence of meaningful people in her life left this lady grappling with loneliness and depression.
Navachetana is now her home, providing community, belonging and companionship. With counselling sessions and dear friends around who help her adopt a new way of viewing life she has regained purpose.
Case E – Home
Divorced at a young age and with mild intellectual disabilities, when this lady’s mother was no longer able to take care of her she was also rejected by her brother.
With the right care and in Navachetana’s environment we support her to achieve her goals. Today she calls Navachetana her home and her smiling gives us a lot of energy each day.
Case F – Family
This young lady was brought up in an orphanage. Her mental health contributed to her finding it difficult to cope when she left. She was destituate when she arrived at Navachetana and in a bad condition.
She received the medical treatment and personal case that she needed. Today, as the youngest member of the Navachetana family, she enjoys the love and affection she craved.
Case G – Strength
Every story of food poverty is different, and every story is one story too many. When this helpless aged lady arrived in Navachetana she was suffering from severe malnutrition.
With the right treatment, correct preparation of appropriate foods and feeding schedule after many months she regained her full strength.
Case H – Joy to move
Arthritis, stiffness, pain, and swelling made everyday tasks more challenging. Unable to manage at home, this lady came to Navachetana.
With successful tailored management of the condition, the resident’s physical and emotional well-being improved dramatically that she can now walk unaided.
Case I – Confidence
The endemic stigma and prejudice against divorce and ‘divorcees’, is still pervasive. A divorced lady disappointed with social stigmatization and familial ostracism, she felt unsecure and unvalued.
She regained her confidence and started to enjoy the peace of mind at Navachetana. Today she experiences the joy of life living with us and is cheerful and content.